Here’s why you need to get to #CollectiveActionPHL tonight

Today’s political environment requires us to mobilize for the ideals and values that we believe in. Some are taking to Facebook to share their opinions, or to twitter to add their thoughts to the dizzyingly fast deluge of content. Others are taking to the streets to demand the liberty and justice that they deserve. A small group of passionate Philadelphians combined the power of their talent and network to create The #CollectiveActionPHL art show, happening at 990 Spring Garden Street tonight, January 14th from 6 p.m.– 9 p.m. These ambitious organizers are looking to raise $20,000 for ten social justice organizations in the Philadelphia area in beyond.
Here’s why you should support their cause:
You like art
If you’re looking to rest your gaze upon beautiful, meaningful art – Collective Action is sure to satisfy your aesthetic desires. More than twenty talented artists have donated their work to this impressive auction. #CollectiveActionPHL organizers promise that starting bids will range, making the auction accessible to the general public. And admission is free! If you’re not able to bid on a piece, you can enjoy it during the show. See the complete list of contributors here.
You care about other humans
There’s only one thing better than buying art to support local artists, and that is buying art to support organizations that are doing positive things for their communities. Proceeds from Collective Action are going to the following organizations. This is your opportunity to support some impactful organizations and get some art in return.
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
International Refugee Assistance Project
Natural Resources Defense Council
You’re into supporting other Philadelphians
This is a big, bold show that took a lot of passion to organize. Shout out to Grace Ahn, Jacob Klensin, Brooke Di Leone, Daniel Levine, and Streets Dept’s Founder Conrad Benner for organizing what is sure to be a successful evening. Perhaps this is a prototype for similar shows in other cities.
You can learn more about #CollectiveActionPHL here or on Facebook.